A green square with white and orange accents. and the words "You Should Know This!"Every digital device has a lifespan. But how do you make sure the data stored on your old hard drives and tapes is unrecoverable? Here are four things to know about data destruction:

1. Erased Devices Still Contain Data

There’s more to protecting your data than erasing a hard drive or tape. Even after deleting files on your devices, a trail of data is left behind. A study by the National Association for Information Destruction (NAID) found that 40 percent of used electronic devices sold on the secondhand market contained personally identifiable information (PII). Physical destruction is the only way to ensure data on tapes and drives cannot be recovered. A hard drive destruction service uses specialized shredders that apply massive force onto the media, rendering its data irrecoverable

2. Data Destruction is the Law

Several laws, including the following federal regulations, mandate the destruction of financial, medical and consumer information:

  • The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)
  • The Fair and Accurate Credit Transaction Act (FACTA)
  • The Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA)

Failure to comply with these laws can result in hefty fines. Consult with an attorney or data protection provider to learn which privacy regulations apply to your business.

3. Not Every Hard Drive and Media Shredding Company is NAID AAA Certified

It’s imperative to destroy your data verifiably and with unparallel security. But not every hard drive and media shredding provider is . NAID AAA Certified companies must pass ongoing audits conducted by third-party security professionals assessing the following areas:

  • Operational security
  • Employee hiring and screening
  • Responsible disposal of material
  • Liability insurance

Partnering with a NAID AAA Certified hard drive and media shredding service gives your data the protection it deserves.

4. Data Destruction Helps the Environment

Keeping your electronic waste out of landfills is just as important as preventing your data from falling into the wrong hands. A hard drive and media shredding service offers an environmentally-sustainable data destruction solution. All electronic waste is separated and recycled through a raw material extraction process and made into new metal and plastic products. You are given a Certificate of Recycling at the end of the e-recycling process.

For more data destruction tips, please call us at 615-242-9600 or complete the form on this page.

Richards & Richards offers NAID AAA Certified document shredding and media destruction services for businesses throughout Nashville.